Just for Educators

On the Leading Edge

Thank you for your commitment to developing character in the lives of our students. The goal of this page is to provide current Heart of a Champion educators with resources that will allow you to make the most of the program. If you have questions, or have trouble accessing any of these web pages, please contact us at info@heartofachampion.org or 817-427-4621.

Teacher Training Video (coming soon)

Pre- and Post-Assessment 

Each year the Heart of a Champion requests that educators and students partake in a pre- and post-assessment to measure the efficacy of the program during a given academic year. The survey is designed to measure the attitudinal and behavioral shifts that occur within a student over the course of nine months. Due to the reluctance of public schools to release information related to GPA and test scores, the feedback that we receive is largely anecdotal. Every year, however, we receive significant responses from teachers verifying the effect that this program is having in all areas of their students’ lives. Heart of a Champion is currently working on gathering empirical data with future surveys. (read more)

Tips and Best Practices -

Click here for the latest information.

Educator Resources

Literature List
Subject List
Character Quotes

Writing Assignments
Essay Contest Form Download
John Baylor Testing Resources

Assembly Speakers

Heart of a Champion has access to a wide variety of motivational speakers from the world of sports and beyond. If you’re looking for a keynote speaker for your next student assembly or teacher training, please contact us at info@heartofachampion.org.

Do you know other educators that would be interested in Heart of a Champion? Give us a call.